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"For the Love of your Dog"
Your Puppy needs Immunized

Prevention of disease is always the best treatment. Taking your sweet baby boy or girl to the vet is the best and most responsible thing you can do for your new family member. Make sure you take all the necessary steps recommended by your veterinarian to keep your puppy healthy.
All puppies need to be at least 6 weeks old before they can receive their first vaccination. This will allow their immune system to be strong. Your new puppy should have been to the vet, had their first round of shots in the series: (Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2- Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Vaccine Combination - Modified Live Virus) and been wormed two or three times before you bring them home for the first time.

On your first vet visit, your vet will start your sweet little one on a vaccine booster program. Many vets have a special puppy package deal where you get your exams, booster vaccines and neuter or spay for a discount price when you sign up for the package. There are also a few dog insurance companies out there that have health insurance available for your dog, that may save you a little money. Each time you go to see your vet, he or she will check your puppy's weight, height, temperature, thoroughly examine your puppy, look for any abnormalities and give your sweetheart their vaccine.

Each vet has their own opinions as to when a puppy or dog is safe as far as being immunized enough not to catch some type of bacteria, germs, or virus from other dogs or other dog's urine or fecal. Most vets like to administer at least 4 booster shots, 2 to 3 weeks apart, and feel that you can then go ahead and start freely going out into the public facilities of the world.

Your vet will tell you if you are living in a high risk area that makes it necessary for your puppy to receive Corona, Lyme's shots, Leptospirous Vaccine, Rattlesnake Vaccine, or monthly heartworm medication. [top of page]
All dogs receive a rabies shot between 4 and 12 months old. The first rabies shot is good for 1 year and then every 3 years there after your dog is supposed to receive rabies booster shot. This is required for licensing in most counties in the US. Each vet and area you live in may have a different rabies vaccination schedule. There is a vaccine research study in veterinary medicine underway at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in Madison. A leading authority on veterinary vaccines and a Chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences have begun concurrent 5 and 7 year challenge studies to determine the long-term duration on immunity of the canine rabies vaccine. Their goal is to extend the state mandated interval for rabies boosters, but for now all vets in most states are required to give the first rabies shot between 4 and 12 months (your vet will determine when) and then the next booster shot 1 year later, then every 3 years thereafter.
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Spay or Neuter your puppydog
  • If you are not going to breed your dog, then spay or neuter your puppy at the age recommended by your vet which is usually 4 to 6 months, depending upon your vet. Animal health specialists and experts believe that spaying and neutering helps dogs live longer, healthier lives.

    Local animal shelters sometimes operate a clinic or know of a clinic that offers subsidized services to help people better afford spaying or neutering their dog. They may also offer vouchers to have your pet spayed or neutered at a lower cost by local, private veterinarians.

    Spaying eliminates the heat cycle in females, therefore eliminating pyometra and the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and nearly eliminates the incidence of breast cancer, tumors, and uterine infections in females, particularly when your puppy is spayed before her first estrous cycle.

    Neutering your male puppy eliminates testicular cancer, decreases the incidence of prostate disease, and nearly eliminates the risk of perineal hernias, and penile tumors in male dogs.

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Always seek professional veterinary care following your first-aid attempts. All information on this web site is provided by No Free Lunch Dogs for general reference and informational purposes only. This information should not be construed to be formal professional advice or the formation of a consultant-client relationship. Your veterinarian is the best source for your dog's medical needs.